If I could describe your writing in one word it’d probably be “likable” and not in that shallow way where you are trying to be likable, just in that genuine way when you see a human being beautifully human you can’t help but like them. I can see why you are doing well here and it gives me hope for myself.

I’m not sure if AI will solve everything but if we really zoom out, we haven’t event begun to feel the impact of just basic communication on the internet. I think a lot of the negative impact of social media is just growing pains, us not knowing how to interface with something completely foreign to all of our ancestors, and we are slowly starting to figure out healthy ways to use it.

At the platform I started at I made friends with a bunch of Nigerians and Ghanaians who completely changed how I see Africa and the world. I think a lot of the issues come from the centralization of power and attention. As both become more decentralized (the global south gains access to information and resources, we can share our ideas with the world as easily as clicking “publish”), and we can connect directly and create communities based on values rather than tribe or religion, energy will begin to flow much easier to those who do the work to contribute to something (anything), even if they insist on doing the work on their own terms.

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Viam, thank you so much for being an advocate of writing and writers. Please always envelope us aspiring writers with your words of encouragement. We really need it. I feel protected with it. I see you in the notes section often and to me it feels like having a warm presence of a friend on Substack. You encourage me to write and represent my self. And I do hope that you get a million followers and publish your Valhalla piece. Lots of praise, I pray. And please update us about your daughter's candy kingdom!

I never really thought that I could write and make art until I went on a career break to find my passion. And then I just found my self choosing to write because the moment chose me, too. Sometimes it feels like the words want to publish themselves. I am happy with the abundance of words but it could also get overwhelming. What am I to do with them? I never really pursued becoming a writer and now I find my self with lots of words. Regardless of my struggles I am still super thankful. Writing makes me feel alive. I take responsibility for the words that I write and hopefully I find a way make sense of my outputs.

Thank you thank you

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Hey Marian, thank you so much.

It encourages me to continue publishing my unfiltered notes haha

You said an interesting sentence. Because I never thought I'd be a writer. I don't come from an artistic family. I wasn't brought up around art. I had to do all my literary education on my own. And English isn't even my native language

Things happen, our destinies take strange paths, but as long as we're happy to follow them, that's all that matters.

I wish you every success in everything you do. This is still a hard path. Be brave. It's with great pleasure that I'll read your words.

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This is so heartfelt that it made me reflect on why I started writing in the first place. I've never had a career that included writing, but I always felt like expressing myself somewhere.

Also, I liked the idea that everything in the universe appears to be in its proper place and has a purpose, so we do as well. This view effortlessly provides you a sense of belonging in this world.

Thank you very much for sharing your piece of art here.💕✨️

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“Life has to have an integral approach”



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“the whole universe is interconnected and interdependent. “Pneuma””

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I’m here with you inside so many thoughts and values

I can’t even choose one single line to share

It is impossible to me

I’m part of all what you shared

You can can it obsession anyway

or buy a book to read and understand more about this behavior 😝

but it is life to me know

Thank you for your time

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Such an impactful article, Viam. Indeed, I needed to read this. I see how deeply you express your passion for writing and art, and that makes me a bit less afraid to create.

I used to have big creative blocks, and even now there are periods when I experience a lot of self-doubt. Because writing is vulnerable. Artists are carriers of emotion, and 'emotion' is always uncomfortable to share.

I'm trying to process these doubts. Maybe they're part of creativity. But your words encourage me to embrace that vulnerable side of writing.

It's okay if people find us 'odd' or 'weird', and it's okay to be misunderstood. Because as you've stated so well, it's about "expressing the feelings of those who can’t".

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Viam, this is such a delicious article full of so many flavours. I find writing helps me to think clearly. I have filled in many notebooks over the years. I also feel empty when I don't read. I'm always trying to find a balance between reading and writing.

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“All things are interwoven with one another; a sacred bond unites them; there is scarcely one thing that is isolated from another. Everything is coordinated, everything works together in giving form to the one universe.”

Marcus Aurelius

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“We are the waves of the same sea, the leaves of the same tree, the flowers of the same garden”. 


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